Monday, July 19, 2010

Timothy is not always to blame

Since living with Timothy I assumed that if I didn't do it Timothy was the one to blame. It has usually been correct up to this point.

This morning I went to let Brady out of his room. I noticed that the fan was on and my mind immediately jumped to the thought that Timothy must have left it on. But as I was telling Brady to come downstairs, he walks right over to the fan, turns it off, and heads downstairs.

Most days I have to get on to Timothy about remembering to shut off the hallway light. Now I can no longer immediately blame him because Brady likes to spend a lot of time turning the light on and off. Luckily when I ask Brady to go turn off the light he enjoys doing it.

These last few weeks I have gotten a little annoyed at the fact that every time I tried to put on my backpack the shoulder straps were buckled together. I thought that Timothy was doing it to make me mad but I just forget to issue my complaint. Today, however Brady was messing with my backpack. When I went to see what he was doing I heard the "click" of the buckle. Brady was the culprit all along.

Finally, I noticed that the patio door got left open. I figured Timothy left it open, so I went to shut it. Later I went to let our dog outside and then Timothy found the door open. He figured I let her in and forgot to close the door. I told him that it wasn't me and we realized that Kaya has figured out a way to open the door when she wants in.

Now, I have learned that I cannot automatically blame Timothy for everything.

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